Algorithm changed: average net annual returns of mintos loan originators

Author avatar By Samuel, 10 August 2021

As it is affecting all the mintos data presented, a short announcement.

The algorithm has changed on how to aggregate the average net annual returns of the mintos loan originator data. With “aggregate” it is referred to the aggregation level “loan originator” or “loan type”. The per “country” aggregations are provided by mintos and, thus, have not changed.

Before, the average net annual returns were aggregated by the simple average.

Now, they are weighted by the loans outstanding. That means: We take into account when a loan originator scores a high average for markets where many loans have been issued. In turn, aggregated average interest rates are less affected where loan volume is very low. See also weighted average (Wikipedia).

After all, the changes should provide a more accurate view of the loan originators with which you can achieve high returns.

?See ranking of loan originators with highest returns.

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