New features in October 2021

Author avatar By Samuel, 22 October 2021

Pending Payments to Loans Outstanding Ratio

When analyzing the pending payments of a mintos loan originator, it is often useful to contextualize this figure. One way to get an idea whether pending payments are relatively high or low is to calculate the pending payments to loans outstanding ratio.

The semantics are as follows: The higher the pending payment and the lower the loans outstanding of a loan originator, the higher the ratio. The ratio thus expresses the relative weight of pending payments given the loan portfolio size. It can be argued that a high ratio serves as a proxy for risk: high ratio = higher perceived risk of pending payments.

It comes as no surprise that for all suspended loan originators, the ratio is exorbitantly high (above 100%) because they usually do not issue loans anymore. For active lending companies, the ratio is below 100%, often below 10%. Debates could follow from when an elevated ratio of an active lending company could indicate trouble.

With the recent API updates, you can now see the ratio being calculated automatically for the mintos loan originator statistics data we process. Follow this link to to see the current data set.

(Especially) on mobile devices, you can use the “Toggle Settings” Interface to browser for the new “Pending Payments to Loans Outstanding” data property.

The @beyondp2p twitter bot also sends once a week a status update. It shows the top 5 of highest pending payments to loans outstanding ratios for active loan originators.

Finally, the loan originator detail page now shows a chart with the ratio:

The example given shows the chart for podemos progresar. It is a rather small loan originator that constantly reduced its portfolio size. The chart shows a jump in October 2021. The pending payments have surpassed the loans outstanding.

Normally, the pending payments to loans outstanding ratio chart is highly correlated to the pending payments chart. This is because pending payments tends to change fast while the outstanding loan portfolio usually is more stable.

Improvements to Telegram mintos Updates

The pending payments and the average net annual returns changes updates for mintos loan originators have been improved.

The pending payments update now includes the new pending payments to loans outstanding ratio. Furthermore, color codes have been added. Also it is indicated whether a loan originator is suspended or not.

Regarding the average net annual return changes update: The threshold when an alert is triggerd has been changed from 0.25% to 0.10% of interest change.

Mintos Loan Originator Summary Update added

We publish now a brief summary of the last months mintos loan originator data. You can receive the update every first of a month at around 9:00am automatically in the @beyondp2p telegram channel.

Here some impressions:

The update shows platform-wide statistics and the top 10 of loan originators for: loans outstanding, pending payments and average net annual returns. It also shows the changes to the previous month.

Kviku Loans Available Alert added

This one is tricky: Kviku does not provide for manual investments. Anyway, @beyondp2p_bot on telegram now checks for at least 12% loans available.

Why? Because we are working on a new feature /loans web page where you can browse through the top loans offered on all platforms the bot checks. By this, you can make sure that you really find high interst loans in the future. ?

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