P2P Café interviews Samuel from beyondp2p (German)

Author avatar By Samuel, 08 September 2023

«Statistics wizard or lucky fool? Samuel’s secret weapon of success on the mintos platform»

P2P Café is the go to podcast for P2P investors in the German language. In the recent episode I was invited to present beyondp2p to its listeners. Thanks a lot to Lars Wrobbel and Thomas Butz for having me as a guest!

For over one hour and a quarter we discussed among others subjects:

  • What’s the story behind beyondp2p? Learn how first steps were made during 2020 to automatize P2P platform statistics with the means of software.
  • What were the origins of the @beyondp2p_bot on telegram? How do investors use the bot to achieve better returns on P2P platforms? How developed the beyondp2p community around the telegram bot?
  • How to stay on top of your investements on mintos? How can the mintos loan originator performance data feature help investors to take informed decisions? How did the mintos loan originator statistics help the beyondp2p community to avoid the Wowwo crash?
  • When and why did Samuel start to invest in general? And in P2P lending in particular? How does Samuel’s portfolio look like?
  • How is life as a freelance software developer in Spain? How did the Spanish real-estate market develop after the crisis of 2008?

Of course, Thomas, Lars and me talked about other subjects, for example the most recent P2P news of Freedom24, PeerBerry or the most recent portfolio updates.

You can jump listening to the podcast directly below.

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