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Average Net Annual Return

Shows the annual gross interest rate due to be paid to the investor, excluding fees and estimated losses.

Loan Volume

First, shows the loan volume the lending company has originated; and the share of principal that has been paid back from that issued loan volume. Furthermore, the chart shows the active outstanding loan volume that the borrowers are required to pay back.

Loan Status

Loan status charts shows distribution of loans outstanding (see loan volume chart above).

Loans Late to Loans Outstanding Ratio

This chart shows the share of late loans out of the currently outstanding loan portfolio. We assume that this is a risk indicator: The higher the percentage of late loans, the higher the risks for this loan originator.

Pending Payments

This chart shows the total pending payments. We assume that this is a risk indicator: The higher the percentage of pending payments, the higher the risks for the investors. See mintos' explanation on pending payments.

Pending Payments to Loans Outstanding Ratio

This chart shows a surrogate indicator of pending payments relative to the outstanding loan portfolio. We assume that this is a risk indicator: The higher the share of pending payments compared to the active outstanding loan portfolio, the higher the risks for the investors. Note that the chart is highly correlated to the pending payments chart.

Average Days Pending

This chart shows the average days of pending payments. We assume that this is a risk indicator: The longer it takes for a loan originator to pay pack to the borrowers, the higher the risks for the investors.

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All data presented is publicly accessible data from Mintos. Please never base your investment decisions solely on the data presented on this page. Always confirm the accuracy of the data with Mintos. Thank you!

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