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based on 7 ratings

Crowdestor is a business crowdfunding platform from Estonia. As an investor you can fund small and medium enterprises, sustain their growth or restructure their debts. The plattform does not work with loan originators. You need to pick your investments yourself. Most projects are from the Baltics, but not only. Although returns are high, auto-invest and diversification is missed. Crowdestor is considered very high risk and opinions diverge about this platform. On one hand it has a considerable fan base and active community. On the other hand, many investors complain about extremely risky and often unsuccessful projects. We only recommend experienced investors to get started with this platform and see it as an experimental choice. In our opinion risk overweights profit. But this should be finally up to personal judgement.

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Key Facts

Investment Structures

Crowdestor Direct (peer-to-peer)

Originator Types

Crowdestor Peers

Investing Into

Crowdestor Business Loans, Real Estate

HQ Country

Crowdestor country image Estonia


Interest Rates

Crowdestor 9.50% – 28.00%

Number of Originators

Crowdestor 1

Number of Countries

Crowdestor 4


Crowdestor EUR

Minimum Investment

Crowdestor 50 EUR


Average Net Return

Crowdestor 20.45%

Total Loans Funded

Crowdestor n/a

Loans Outstanding

Crowdestor n/a

Loans Current

Crowdestor n/a

Loans Late

Crowdestor n/a

Loans 1 To 15 Days Late

Crowdestor n/a

Loans 16 To 30 Days Late

Crowdestor n/a

Loans 31 To 60 Days Late

Crowdestor n/a

Loans 60 Plus Days Late

Crowdestor n/a

Loans Defaulted (In Recovery)

Crowdestor n/a

Loans Defaulted (Recovered)

Crowdestor n/a

Loans Defaulted (Written Off)

Crowdestor n/a


Crowdestor 21,856

Average Amount Per Investor

Crowdestor n/a

Principal Returned

Crowdestor n/a

Interest Earned

Crowdestor n/a

Late Fees Earned

Crowdestor n/a

Loan Originators Statistics new

Crowdestor n/a




Not available



The only way to invest on crowdestor is via manual invest.

Instant Cash-Out


Available as: Crowdestor Flex

In July 2021, crowdestor launched crowdestor Flex – a new investment product where they promise stable 12÷ returns accredited daily to the investor's account. Many could be paid out instantly. Already in August 2021, crowdestor stopped advertising the Flex feature. Access is not possible anymore. Reasons mentioned within the P2P community were that offering such product would be conflicting with financial regulations, as they would offer a sort of deposit account being rewarded with interest.

Secondary Market



As of January 2021, crowdestor charges a fee of 2÷ fee for sales on the secondary market.

Risk & Security

Buyback Guarantee


Available as: provision fund, warranty fund

Partial buy-back guarantee may be applied through a warranty fund ("provision fund").

Payment Guarantee


Not available
Rating System


Available as: Credit Scoring

Crowdestor applies a mathematical risk scoring to the companies that you can invest into. It considers comprehensive data points from a third party provider. The result of the risk score determines whether an investment is considered for funding, or gets rejected.

Due Diligence


Available as: Key Metrics

For each investment project, crowdestor provides a "key metrics" sheet. It contains data of: company rating, company score, personal score, probability of default, loss given default, expected loss, reasons for rejection, things to improve, estimated funding time

Skin in the Game


Not available


Crowdestor Personal Guarantee, Business Guarantee

Maximum Loan To Value (LTV)

Crowdestor n/a

Sign Up Bonus

You will earn 1% cashback from investments you will make in Business loans. This cashback will last for 90 days starting from your registration date.

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Legal Notice

This is not an offer to invest. Investing in financial instruments involves risk. No investment is guaranteed, and there is always a risk of partial or full loss of invested funds. This information is not investment advice or a recommendation. All investment decisions shall be made by you independently, taking into account all your personal circumstances. BeyondP2P earns commissions from platforms when you sign up through our affiliate links. This can influence how prominently platforms are displayed, but we strive not to let it influence us on how we write about them.

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