A quick way to detect risky loan originators

Author avatar By Samuel, 19 April 2022

How to see the crash coming?

It’s been almost a year that we have launched the mintos loan originator statistics section. Thanks to our active community members, the feature has been steadily improved. Today, the web page comprises various statistics charts and aggregations; as well as the telegram bot, that sends every day an alert for the mintos pending payments changes.

Undoubtly, we had a highlight last year: Members of our community saw the Wowwo debacle coming before mintos suspended the originator from the market. The loan originator was suspended officially on 17 December 2021 on mintos. However, thanks to our analytics we could already warn our followers on telegram on 14 December 2021 that things are going badly.

To even further improve our insights, we have added a new chart to the statistics page: the late loans out of the loans outstanding ratio chart. The metric basically shows you the percentage of late running loans out of the active loan portfolio of a mintos loan originator.

Growing late loans indicate risk

How does that help us?

See for example the late loans percentage for Watu Credit:

Watu Credit’s late loans share has been growing since October 2021

The late loans share of the loan originator has been growing. Today, it has crossed 60% of late loans within its portfolio. It would be a good case to start asking questions.

Or for example the chart of IDF Eurasia, one of the biggest and popular loan originators on mintos:

Source: IDF Eurasia late loans to loans outstanding ratio

Interestingly, we can identify here two local maxima. The first around beginning to mid of January. This coincides with the protests that shook the country. Having crossed the 20% of late loans share, the rate dropped a bit after the crisis. However, with the beginning of the Ukraine Russia war, late loans have grown again. Now around 50% of the loans are late.

You can also list all loan originators sorted by their share of late loans. By this, you can get familiar with the ranking of the loan originators:

Look again at Wowwo! On December 4th, 2021 the loan originator had a share of late loans of 12.97%. On December 4th – the day of its suspension from mintos – it had crossed already 50%.

After all, a growing share of late loans can be seen as an early indicator of risk.

Do you agree? Join our @beyondp2p_discussion group on telegram and let us know!

What else has happened?

We have some more quick news for you. Shortly, we will report about them intensively:

Market beta has been launched. Planned for a long time, a first version has now been deployed. You can follow P2P lending market-wide statistics data and charts. The data is automatically updated daily through our scrapers. More charts will be added very soon.

Platforms API is in the making. In order to provide investors with informed decision and top-notch data analytics, we are soon launching a free API integration for P2P lending platforms. If you are an P2P lending marketplace or platform and would like to support investors, please contact us in order to provide you an early access to the API.

Investors sign up launched ?; dashboard and telegram integration almost ready. I am very excited to say that huge progress has been made to offer investors further integrations via the website. You can already sign up for an investor user account. Although you will not find a lot yet after signing up and logging in.. but hey, you can test the sign up flow already ?. The aim is to provide further customizable alerts and analytics to investors via E-Mail, telegram and potentially other platforms. For this, very soon we will launch a telegram to beyondp2p.com integration. Stay tuned!

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