Do I need tech skills to set up the components on my web?

No! We made it dead simple for you to set up the components. There are no tech skills required other than copy-pasting two lines of code to your site. Or you can just use our wordpress plugin. Then you just have to once manually install the plugin and embed a shortcode into your articles or pages. Please see the components page to learn how to set up the component.

How do I get paid and how much?

Please see commissions page for all details.

How can I see my performance data?

We provide you a conversions endpoint. When you sign up, we will send you an API Token for your user account. You can then fetch the data via REST requests.

Which languages do you support?

We currently support three languages:

  • English (default)
  • German (Deutsch)
  • Spanish (español)

The widgets do not contain a lot of text. If you want to see your language added to the list, just contact us and we see what we can do.

Made with 🍅🥖️ near Barcelona

Legal Notice

This is not an offer to invest. Investing in financial instruments involves risk. No investment is guaranteed, and there is always a risk of partial or full loss of invested funds. This information is not investment advice or a recommendation. All investment decisions shall be made by you independently, taking into account all your personal circumstances. BeyondP2P earns commissions from platforms when you sign up through our affiliate links. This can influence how prominently platforms are displayed, but we strive not to let it influence us on how we write about them.

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